Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Starting over

I was listening to a famous mother and daughter duo over the radio. They were discussing the counseling they had undertaken over the decades. They mentioned "the do-over". The do-over was to ask for a pardon, retract a statement or action, and resume a relationship in a civilized manner. This was contingent on both people being invested in the relationship and both knowing the power of forgiveness in their lives on themselves and others.

Only the experienced and seeking love need apply? NOT!

I have just completed a full season of life and am metamorphosing into of the next season of life. It means change. Lots of change. The biggest change is I know have the privilege to think and ponder, just like any other self-respecting introvert would do.  I don't have to be on, 24/7. Hallelujah!

Today I was off work and busy working through some homework from the SHAPE program. I had finished my devotionals and started my BSF preparation for the children's program.  I had spent hours just working through projects where I was partnered with my LORD. I realized when God asked me to wait on him, it really meant He wanted me to spend some time, to abide, to cuddle with Him.

So starting over is always a comfortable place to be when you are allowed a "do-over", have the chance to think and ponder, and just cuddle with Abba Father, the LORD.

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